Cresco Kingdom

Cresco Kingdom Book I & II

The adventure of a lifetime... with your best buds!

Grab your best buds and get ready for adventure in Cresco Kingdom Book I & II! Play the role of Mike as he sets out to find his missing Cresco stash... and much more!

Join Mike and his party in Book I and explore the world in search of the greatest vapes known to mankind! Get your own medical marijuana card, buy marijuana at the dispensary, or on the street, and even sell some of it to make some extra money! Explore areas like the mysterious Indica Forest, an entire forest where marijuana grows like grass, and even the Cresco Labs HQ itself in search of the secrets required to make pure Cresco vape juice! Watch as Mike learns the secrets of the Cresco production process, and about his own role in the fate of the Cresco brand...

Then continue the journey in Book II! Several years after discovering the secrets of the lab, it seems like someone is seeking their revenge against not only Mike, but also his entire family! Re-start your adventure with your wife at your side, as you uncover the mystery of what happened to Mike's missing child, and who is seeking revenge against him... is it someone from Mike's past, the hired goons from the Cresco Lab, or is it someone else entirely? Explore all-new areas, in addition to some familiar ones from Book I, meet all-new people, learn completely new abilities, and go on side quests in search of the Ultimate Weapons in this exciting conclusion to the story from Book I... with the power of love, and the power of Cresco at your side, you're sure to be victorious!!

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  • Two games in one package
  • Over 20 hours of gameplay
  • Three branching story line paths
  • Realistic, modern world to explore
  • Lots of optional content, including bonus dungeon/optional super boss
  • Multiple forms of weed available to smoke, as well as other street drugs
  • Download:

    Download Cresco Kingdom Book I & II for PC and Android from the download page, or play it directly in your web browser by clicking here.


    This game is partially based on real people and events. Most of the people featured in this game gave their permission. This game is also partially based on fictional people and events, and despite being based on real events, this entire game should be treated as a work of fiction. This game was written to tell an entertaining story, as well as to pay homage to some of the great RPGs of the 80s and 90s. Absolutely nothing in this game should be taken seriously or considered to be serious in any way whatsoever.


    This game uses material, including but not limited to characters, images, music, sound effects, quests, and other materials from commercial games, including but not limited to the Dragon Quest series, the Final Fantasy series, the Ys series, the Lunar series, the Phantasy Star series, Skies of Arcadia, Ultima: Quest of the Avatar, and possibly others. All materials are used without permission. "Dragon Quest" and "Final Fantasy" are © Square Enix, "Ys" is © Falcom, "Lunar" is © Game Arts/Working Designs, "Skies of Arcadia" and "Phantasy Star" are © SEGA, "Ultima: Quest of the Avatar" is © Origin Systems. All other materials used are © their respective owners.

    This game also uses many brand names and trademarks, all of which are used without permission. "Cresco™", "Supply™", "Floracal™", and "Sunnyside™" are trademarks of Cresco Labs, Inc. "High Life™" is a trademark of Miller Brewing Company. All other brand names are trademarks of their respective companies.

    This game has always and will always be available for free. No money or material goods of any type were received for the creation or distribution of this game. No money or material goods of any type were received for endorsing Cresco™ brand vape products, or for endorsing any other products.

    This game is rated M for Mature, and should not be played by young children. Children should not use Cresco™ brand vape products, marijuana in general, or any other type of drugs.