Mike - King of the Cresco Kingdom and a delivery driver for Doughboys. Can use the power of Cresco to inflict status effects on enemies, or to heal allies. Can also buff the party using piano skills.
Travis - Black market Cresco dealer and a delivery driver for Doughboys. Is able to use speed and stealth to manipulate the flow of battle, and can also sell Cresco to the party.
Dan - King of the High Life Kingdom and a front counter worker for Doughboys. A strong physical fighter who becomes much more powerful when he is drinking High Life.
Z - New hire at Doughboys. A bit ditzy, but is capable of using very powerful healing magic. Is also a severe alcoholic, which can often cause problems for her and the rest of the party.
Riley - Delivery driver for Doughboys. A very strong physical fighter who is capable of using dark magic to drain energy from his enemies, and increase his attack power even further.
Sam - Front counter worker for Doughboys. A very weak physical fighter, but is capable of using very powerful attack magic. Can also use skills that make her attack magic even more powerful.
Sara - Front counter worker for Doughboys. Is capable of attacking from a distance using ranged attacks, and can also use very powerful healing magic and party buffing skills.
Deborah - A wealthy heiress and party girl. Has a cold, impatient personality due to being given everything she wanted in her life. Nobody is sure why she came to Doughboys or what her intentions are.
Bracco - Delivery driver for Doughboys. Can provide unique items to the party if certain conditions are met, and will also give hints to the party whenever they call in to the shop.
Ryan - Delivery driver for Doughboys. Will sell items to the party at discount prices, and can also sell exclusive items to the party which they will not be able to find anywhere else.
Chuck - The owner of Doughboys and Mike's boss. Keeps the shop running smoothly, and will provide the party with deliveries which they can take to earn some extra money.
Wilson - Former delivery driver for Doughboys and local black market marijuana dealer. Can always be found standing around outside of Doughboys, and will sell weed to the party.
Homeless Man - A local homeless man and former delivery driver for Doughboys. Was considered the "Cresco King" of his day, and he seems to have a lot of other things in common with Mike...
Charlie - The founder and CEO of Cresco Labs, Inc. Owns Cresco Labs HQ and the patent on Cresco's secret production process. Once Mike discovers the secret, he needs to come up with a plan to keep his company in business...
Download Cresco Kingdom Book I & II for PC and Android from the download page, or play it directly in your web browser by clicking here.
This game is partially based on real people and events. Most of the people featured in this game gave their permission. This game is also partially based on fictional people and events, and despite being based on real events, this entire game should be treated as a work of fiction. This game was written to tell an entertaining story, as well as to pay homage to some of the great RPGs of the 80s and 90s. Absolutely nothing in this game should be taken seriously or considered to be serious in any way whatsoever.
This game uses material, including but not limited to characters, images, music, sound effects, quests, and other materials from commercial games, including but not limited to the Dragon Quest series, the Final Fantasy series, the Ys series, the Lunar series, the Phantasy Star series, Skies of Arcadia, Ultima: Quest of the Avatar, and possibly others. All materials are used without permission. "Dragon Quest" and "Final Fantasy" are © Square Enix, "Ys" is © Falcom, "Lunar" is © Game Arts/Working Designs, "Skies of Arcadia" and "Phantasy Star" are © SEGA, "Ultima: Quest of the Avatar" is © Origin Systems. All other materials used are © their respective owners.
This game also uses many brand names and trademarks, all of which are used without permission. "Cresco™", "Supply™", "Floracal™", and "Sunnyside™" are trademarks of Cresco Labs, Inc. "High Life™" is a trademark of Miller Brewing Company. All other brand names are trademarks of their respective companies.
This game has always and will always be available for free. No money or material goods of any type were received for the creation or distribution of this game. No money or material goods of any type were received for endorsing Cresco™ brand vape products, or for endorsing any other products.
This game is rated M for Mature, and should not be played by young children. Children should not use Cresco™ brand vape products, marijuana in general, or any other type of drugs.